【#滙豐好賞FUN 送你港幣1,000元K11 MUSEA禮品卡 至Hot夏日購物樂】
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於滙豐Reward+應用程式專享「獎賞錢」兌換優惠,以更抵兌換率,兌換成其他合作夥伴獎賞積分,包括「K Dollar」、「MTR分」、「亞洲萬里通」里數、Avios積分 https://grp.hsbc/RedHotSummerMegaRC-TC-FB有獎遊戲玩法:1. 讚好滙豐香港 Facebook 專頁 2. 留言尋獲禮物嘅正確路線,再tag三位親朋好友3. HSBC會從正確答案之中,以隨機抽獎形式抽出5位朋友,每位將獲得K11 MUSEA禮品卡,價值港幣1,000元遊戲日期:2022年7月9日至7月16日晚上11時59分得獎名單公佈日期:2022年8月11日於此帖文公佈,並有專人聯絡領獎方法遊戲條款及細則:https://grp.hsbc/6189zUZcZ優惠受條款及細則約束。此優惠適用於身處香港人士。借定唔借?還得到先好借!儲值支付工具牌照編號:SVFB002#滙豐#滙豐信用卡#PayMeHK#夏日熱選優惠【#TheGreatGiveaway Win HKD1,000 K11 MUSEA Gift Cards and shop for the hottest summer
HSBC presents
the hottest deals for the summer
Play the giveaway game for a chance to win K11 MUSEA Gift Cards
Upgrade your summer wishlist and enjoy shopping! Hot offers:
Pay with PayMe to enjoy an HKD 100 discount when you spend HKD 100 on selected beauty and spa treatments at HelloToby ; earn up to 12% off selected home cleaning and air conditioner cleaning service! https://grp.hsbc/PaymeBeauty-EN-FB
Spend with your HSBC credit card locally to earn up to an extra $1,600 RewardCash! https://grp.hsbc/RedHotSummerLocalSpending-EN-FB
Enjoy RewardCash bonus conversion offer via HSBC Reward+. Convert your RewardCash into loyalty points at our merchant partners at better rates, including K Dollar, MTR Points, Asia Miles, Avios. https://grp.hsbc/RedHotSummerMegaRC-EN-FBHow to play: 1. Like HSBC HK Facebook page2. Leave in the Comment box the route to the gift and tag three friends 3. HSBC will randomly draw 5 lucky winners out of those with the correct answer, who will each receive one HKD1,000 K11 MUSEA Gift Card Promotion period: 9 July – 16 July 2022 11:59pm Winner announcement date: On 11 August 2022 on this post; we will also get in touch with the winners individually for prize collection arrangements T&C: https://grp.hsbc/6183zUZcdTerms and conditions apply. This offer is intended for persons in Hong Kong. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! SVF License Number: SVFB002
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